Social Responsibility Projects

Employment of Individuals with Disabilities

     Baycan Elektrik is a company that has adopted equal principles in all its activities since its establishment. Along with our philosophy of ‘Everyone can produce’ and the opportunities provided in our factory, we bring individuals with disabilities into working life within the scope of various social responsibility projects. This holistic approach is a very important part of Baycan culture because our employees are our most valuable asset.

     In 2014, Eskişehir Tepebaşı Municipality, Anadolu University, İŞKUR and Eskişehir Organized Industrial Zone (EOSB) established the Handicapped Assembly Workshop, breaking new ground in Turkey. Companies within the Organized Industrial Zone started to deliver assembly work to the second Workshop which opened in 2019. In the same year, as Baycan Elektrik, we employed 6 young people who received training in these workshops. Today, 13 individuals with mental disabilities work in Baycan Elektrik within the scope of this project. Together with these individuals we employ a total of 29 personnel with disabilities who are actively working in our enterprise. Some of them have worked with us for 10 years. We are happy to be with them. Our work with disabled individuals is not limited to our business. In this sense, we continue to support various institutions and organizations that carry out social responsibility projects. For example, we have been carrying out cable grouping activities since December 2022, outside our factory area, with individuals with mental disabilities and Alzheimer’s at the Barrier-Free Life Workshop established by Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality.

Production and Skills Focused Women's Social Development Workshop

     2023 Ocak ayında Baycan Elektrik, T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı’nın yürüttüğü Sosyal Gelişmeyi Destekleme Programı (SOGEP) adı altında Eskişehir Organize Sanayi Bölge Müdürlüğü’nün (Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler İl Müdürlüğü ve İŞKUR iştirakiyle) düzenlediği Üretim ve Beceri Odaklı Kadın Sosyal Gelişim Atölyesi Projesi’ni hayata geçiren ilk firma oldu.

     Proje kapsamında ekonomik ve sosyal anlamda dezavantajlı kadınların meslek sahibi olabilmeleri hedefleniyor. Şubat ayı itibari ile beş çalışanımız OSB ve Baycan’da düzenlenen teorik ve pratik işbaşı eğitimlerini tamamladılar. Bu kişilere imkân vermek, onlara üretim sektörünü tanıtmak ve sosyal yaşama uyum sağlamalarında rol almak Baycan Elektrik için gurur kaynağı.